المنتجات التي نقدمها

The company offers all kinds of industrial and medical gases as well as providing all kinds of welding tools from global originals


Nitrogen has many important applications, whether gas or liquid Nitrogen gas is used as an inert gas, when an alternative medium is needed for air when oxidation-reduction reactions are undesirable.  An example of this in the industrial field is the use of nitrogen gas in a mixture with carbon dioxide gas as a food preservative. Pure nitrogen is a food additive and E941 is another example of the use of nitrogen as an inert gas entering in the filling of incandescent lamps as an inexpensive alternative to argon.


Since oxygen is the basis of human respiration, the use of oxygen in medical applications is critical. Oxygen therapy is one of the methods used to treat a number of pulmonary diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, some heart diseases, and any disease requiring the need to take oxygen gas to avoid the occurrence of hypoxia


Argon is a colorless, odorless, chemically inert gas that belongs to the class of noble gases.
1 - Argon is used in the welding process as well as the insulating gas of the welding area from the surrounding atmosphere.
2. It is used as a liquefied gas in luminescent lamps, especially as it does not react with the glowing metal wire even at high temperatures


There is a wide range of applications in which carbon dioxide is introduced, because of its low price, its non-gravity, and its ease of handling, whether in the form of gas, liquid, solid, Carbon dioxide is used as a dietary supplement in general as gaseous content in beverages and for the regulation of acidity in the food industry. Its addition is approved by the official authorities of several countries in the European Union. It has E290 and is a food additive in the United States of America Australia and New Zealand.


This gas is used for welding and cutting of metals It is a combination of oxygen and acetylene, which operates a flame at a temperature of about 3000 m. Such a degree is capable of smelting and welding metals


Interactions of gases in many industrial, natural and food fields The company offers a gas mixing system with weights and precise structures with a purity of 99.99 and according to demand Available mixtures:
1- Argon + CO2
2- Argon + Nitrogen
3. Nitrogen + CO2
4. Nitrogen + oxygen

من نحن

تأسست شركة در الحسام لصناعة الاوكسجين والتجارة العامة عام 2009 لتصبح كإحدى الشركات المتخصصة بصناعة الغازات الطبية والغذائية وغازات اللحام. يشرف على أدائها كادر مهني متخصص من نخبة المدراء والفنيين وضعوا في مقدمة أولوياتهم بناء علاقات عمل متينة تقوم على مبادئ من الشراكة في المصالح والأهداف، وتقديم حزمة منوعة من الخدمات الشاملة والمنتجات ذات الجودة العالية باعلا التقنيات وبأقل نسبة من المخاطر. سعياً لتقديم أنشطة قوامها التنوع والابتكار والقيمة المضافة، توفر در الحسام حزمة متباينة من المنتجات والخدمات لقاعدة عملائها العريضة تشمل : • تطوير صناعة الغازات • وسائل حديثة ومبتكرة • المعدات و الاجهزة المتخصصة

The company was established in 2009 as a company specialized in manufacturing medical, food and gas gases for welding. It is overseen by a professional cadre of managers and technicians who have set the highest priority to build strong business relationships based on the principles of partnership of interests and objectives, and provide a variety of comprehensive services and high quality products with the highest technologies and less risk. In order to offer diversity, innovation and value added activities, Dar Al Hassan offers a wide range of products and services to its extensive customer base including: • Development of the gas industry • Modern and innovative means • Specialized equipment and devices

معرض الشركة

خزانات الشركة
خزانات الشركة
خزانات الشركة
خزانات الشركة
خزانات الشركة
خزانات الشركة
خزانات الشركة
خزانات الشركة
خزانات الشركة

مميزات الشركة

لدى الشركة فريق محترف مكون من مجموعة من المهندسين والفنيين ذوي الخبرة العالية في صناعة الغازات الصناعية

The company has a professional team consisting of a group of engineers and technicians with high experience in the industrial gases industry

تمتلك الشركة مجموعة من معامل صناعة الغازات الصناعية حديثة الصنع ومتطورة جدا

The company owns a group of industrial plants of industrial gases, modern and highly developed

تتميز الشركة بانتاج الغازات بنقاوة عالية جدا تصل الى 99,999% في اغلب الغازات

The company is characterized by the production of gases with very high purity of 99.99% in most gases

تمتلك الشركة عدد كبير من الاسطوانات لجميع الغازات الطبية والصناعية وغازات اللحام كما ان الشركة تميزت بالاعداد الكبيرة للاسطوانات اذ يبلغ عدد الاسطوانات الاجمالية اكثر من 10,000 اسطوانة لمختلف الغازات كما انها توفر اسطوانات ذات احجام صغيرة واسطوانات ذات ضغط عالي واسطوانات ذات ضغط منخفض..

The company has a large number of cylinders for all medical and industrial gases and welding gases. The company has also been characterized by the large number of cylinders with a total of more than 10,000 cylinders for different gases. It also offers small size cylinders, high pressure cylinders and low pressure cylinders

تمتلك الشركة محطة تعبئة للغازات الصناعية بعدة انواع اهمها غاز الاوكسجين وغاز الارجون وغاز النيتروجين وغاز الاستيلين وغاز Co2 كذلك يوجد منظومات خلط الغازات وبمعادلات دقيقة تصل الطاقة الانتاجية لجميع الغازات الى 10,000 اسطوانة في اليوم

The company owns a filling station for industrial gases in several kinds, including oxygen, argon, nitrogen, acetylene, and Co2 gas, as well as mixing gas systems and accurate equations, which reach the production capacity of all gases to 10,000 cylinders per day

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الـ عملاء

اتصل بنا

The main location of the company ; Iraq , Karbala

الموقع : العراق - كربلاء - الحي الصناعي

احصائية زوار الموقع لهذا الشهر 88 زائر
